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ECPATの国別レポート 2nd Edition(2011年) P9 http://www.ecpat.net/sites/default/files/a4a_v2_eap_japan.pdf

Statistics on the number of children involved in enjo kosai are hard to find. However, some estimates have put the number of school-aged girls practicing enjo kosai at about 13%. A Tokyo survey by Friday magazine reportedly found that 75% of schoolgirls claimed that older men seeking an enjo kosai relationship had solicited them.*1


ECPATの国別レポート 2nd Editionに引用されたAsia Timesの記事(2008年) http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Japan/JE10Dh01.html

Also, another problem with the enjo kosai industry is that the number of prospective punters far outnumbers the amount of willing schoolgirls. Some estimates have put the number of school-aged girls practicing enjo kosai at about 13%, and a Tokyo survey by Friday magazine found that an astonishing 75% of schoolgirls reported that they had been solicited by older seeking an enjo kosai relationship.


wikipediaのEnjo kosai初版からたどれる情報 *2

wikipedia初版(2003年) https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Enjo_k%C5%8Dsai&oldid=3129044

By various estimates, 5 to 13 percent of high school girls engage in enjo kosai, which may or may not include sex.*3

wikipediaに引用されたAbout記事のwebarchive(2002年)*4 http://web.archive.org/web/20030402003606/http://goasia.about.com/library/weekly/blenjokosaib.htm

The moral problem is partially one of clients outnumbering willing kogals.While even the most liberal estimates limit enjo kosai to 13 percent of school-aged girls, a Tokyo survey found that an amazing 75 percent of girls responding had been solicited by older men interested in enjo kosai.





*1:Sparrow, William.The Young Ones. Asia Times,10 May 2008.Accessed on 15 March 2010 from: http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Japan/JE10Dh01.html

*2:酔狂先生(へたれ無双)@sotonohit さんのtweetからたどりました。


