
1997/11/12 朝日新聞援助交際「チョー平気?」17% 中3女子にPTAが調査』


Tokyo Weekender(1998) https://web.archive.org/web/19990224001712/http://www.weekender.co.jp/LatestEdition/980904/oped.html

According to a recent survey of junior high school students in their final year, 17 percent thought there is nothing wrong with enjo kosai and 13 percent replied that they felt no reluctance in practicing it. A


1998/4/24 毎日新聞援助交際、20人に1人が経験――首都圏の女子高生調査』



About(2002) http://web.archive.org/web/20030402003606/http://goasia.about.com/library/weekly/blenjokosaib.htm

How common is enjo kosai? This from the 1998 editorial in the Tokyo Weekender: "According to a recent survey of junior high school students in their final year, 17 percent thought there is nothing wrong with enjo kosai and 13 percent replied that they felt no reluctance in practicing it."A (Emphasis added.)

Another Japan-based paper had said this a few months earlier, in April of 1998: "Despite extravagant media attention on what many had perceived to be a widespread phenomenon, only 5 percent of high school girls admitted taking part in enjo-kosaiB--accepting money from middle-aged men for dates that sometimes include having sexual intercourse--according to a survey." (Again, emphasis added.)

The moral problem is partially one of clients outnumbering willing kogals. While even the most liberal estimates limit enjo kosai to 13 percent of school-aged girls,C a Tokyo survey found that an amazing 75 percent of girls responding had been solicited by older men interested in enjo kosai. D


(解説)内容Cのみ由来が全く記載されていないこと、他に13%の調査が示されていないことから、記事Cがいう「最も幅の広い推計」13%は内容A、つまりTokyo Weekenderによる「援助交際に抵抗がないと答えた」13%を指しています。*1

Asia Time(2008) http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Japan/JE10Dh01.html

Even now, enjo kosai is common.A decade ago, the Tokyo Weekender reported, "According to a recent survey of junior high school students in their final year, 17% thought there is nothing wrong with enjo kosai and 13% replied that they felt no reluctance in practicing it."A

At the same time, the daily newspaper Mainichi reported, "Despite extravagant media attention on what many had perceived to be a widespread phenomenon, only 5% of high school girls admitted taking part in enjo kosaiB - accepting money from middle-aged men for dates that sometimes include having sexual intercourse."

These numbers can only have increased in past decade. The media and the Internet have led to a more open view of sex and sexuality among youths throughout the world. Also, another problem with the enjo kosai industry is that the number of prospective punters far outnumbers the amount of willing schoolgirls. Some estimates have put the number of school-aged girls practicing enjo kosai at about 13%,C and a Tokyo survey by Friday magazine found that an astonishing 75% of schoolgirls reported that they had been solicited by older seeking an enjo kosai relationship.D


 ただし、誤りもあります。About記事では内容Cは内容A、つまりTokyo Weekenderによる「援助交際に抵抗がないと答えた」13%を指していたのですが、記者の誤読なのか内容A以外の調査=ある見積もり(Some estimates)ということになってしまいました。
 そして何よりも大きな問題は、1997年に行われた調査が現在の数値として紹介されていることです。Asia Timesは一見してAbout記事を孫引きしていることが分かるつくりであり、作為ある疑いが濃いといえるでしょう。*2

ECPATの国別レポート 2nd Edition(2011年) P9 http://www.ecpat.net/sites/default/files/a4a_v2_eap_japan.pdf

Statistics on the number of children involved in enjo kosai are hard to find. However, some estimates have put the number of school-aged girls practicing enjo kosai at about 13%.C A Tokyo survey by Friday magazine reportedly found that 75% of schoolgirls claimed that older men seeking an enjo kosai relationship had solicited them.D


(解説)AsiaTimesの記事の内容C,Dをほぼ正確に写しています。良くも悪くもただそれだけです。ある推計(some estimates)をある推計というあやふやな情報のままで終わらせず由来を調査していれば今回の騒動は起こらなかったでしょう。ECPATのレポート担当者には猛省を求めます。

