“Comfort women”

28.The Committee recalls its previous concluding observations (CEDAW/C/JPN/CO/6,paras. 37 and 38) and also refers to numerous recommendations on the unresolved issue of“comfort women”made by other United Nations human rights mechanisms such as the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD/C/JPN/CO/7-9), the Human Rights Committee (CCPR/C/JPN/CO/6), the Committee Against Torture(CAT/C/JPN/CO/2), the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (E/C.12/JPN/CO/3), several United Nations Special Procedures mandate holders of the Human Rights Council and the Universal Periodic Review (A/HRC/22/14/Add.1, para.147-145 et seq.).
While noting the efforts by the State party to attempt to resolve the issue of “comfort women”, most recently through the bilateral agreement between the State party and the Republic of Korea announced on 28 December 2015,the Committee regrets the State party has not implemented the aforementioned recommendations and its position that the issue of “comfort women” does not fall within the mandate of the Committee, as the alleged violations occurred prior to the entry into force of the Convention for the State party in 1985.
The Committee further regrets that:

28.委員会は以前の総括所見 (CEDAW/C/JPN/CO/6,paras. 37 and 38) を再び呼びかける。また、他の国連人権機構による「慰安婦」の未解決の問題に関する数多くの提言について参照する。*1慰安婦」問題を解決しようとする締約国の努力、最近締約国と大韓民国との間に2015/12/28に結ばれた二国間協定に注目する一方で、締約国が前述の提言を実現せず「慰安婦」問題は1985年の条約加入前に発生したとして委員会の所掌範囲外であるとする立場を取ることについて残念に思う。

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of statements from public officials and leaders regarding the State party’s responsibility for violations committed against “comfort women”; and that the announcement of the bilateral agreement with the Republic of Korea, which asserts that the “comfort women” issue “is resolved finally and irreversibly”did not fully adopt a victim-centred approach;
(b)Some “comfort women” have died without obtaining an official unequivocal recognition of responsibility by the State party for the serious human rights violations that they suffered;
(c)The State party has not addressed its obligations under international human rights law towards “comfort women” victims in other concerned countries; and
(d)The State party deleted references to the issue of “comfort women” in textbooks.


29.The Committee reiterates its previous recommendations (CEDAW/C/JPN/CO/6, paras. 37 and 38) and observes that the issue of“comfort women” gives rise to serious violations that have a continuing effect on the rights of
victims/survivors of those violations that were perpetrated by the State party’s military during the Second World War given the continued lack of effective remedies for these victims. The Committee, therefore, considers that it is not precluded ratione temporis from addressing such violations, and urges the State party to:

29.委員会は以前の勧告 (CEDAW/C/JPN/CO/6,paras.37 and 38) を繰り返し、「慰安婦」問題が深刻な違反を引き起こしていることに注意している。第二次大戦時に締約国の軍隊が冒した違反行為が被害者/生存者の権利に影響を与え続け、犠牲者に対する継続的な救済策に欠けている。

(a)Ensure that its leaders and public officials desist from making disparaging statements regarding responsibility, which have the effect of re-traumatising victims;
(b)Recognize the right of victims to a remedy, and accordingly provide full
and effective redress and reparation, including compensation, satisfaction, official apologies and rehabilitative services;
(c)Ensure that in the implementation of the bilateral agreement announced jointly with the Republic of Korea in December 2015, the State party takes
due account of the views of the victims/survivors and ensure their rights to truth, justice, and reparations;
(d)Adequately integrate the issue of “comfort women” in textbooks and ensure that historical facts are objectively presented to students and the public at large; and
(e)Provide information in its next periodic report on the extent of consultations and other measures taken to ensure the rights of victims/survivors to truth, justice and reparations.


*1:長いので省略したが、5つのうち2つがsexual slavery