To see what's being openly sold on Japanese shelves, CNN took a hidden camera to one of the many manga stores in the Akihabara district of Tokyo.
Shihoko Fujiwara runs Lighthouse, a nonprofit for exploited children. She told CNN she once worked on a case where a predator used a cartoon to convince a child that sex abuse was normal. "So the pedophiles might bring the animation and say 'this is how you practice with adults,'" she said.
「児童虐待者は性的虐待が普通のことであると子どもに信じさせるために漫画を使うケースがある」ですか。はて、この点は2002年のFree Speech Coalition判決で否定されているのをご存じないのでしょうか。判旨を引用しましょう。「児童性愛者が擬似的児童ポルノを使って実在する児童を誘惑する可能性があるという主張は、成人が聞く権利のある言論を、その言論から児童を守るという理由で完全に封じ込めることはできないという原則に反する。」*1
While no link has been made between anime, manga and child abuse, Japan is facing a "serious" child abuse problem, according to a White Paper issued by e National Police Agency in March.
The paper said the number of child abuse victims jumped 20% between 2011 and 2012, and the number of victims, arrests and cases are at their highest levels since they started compiling statistics in 1999.
"If you're looking at it all the time, how are you actually seeing people? Is it just a fantasy, or maybe some people with a bit of a wrong mind think that is actually there, and that is the way to treat women. So there is a risk," she said.
これも2002年のFree Speech Coalition判決の判旨から引用しましょう。「擬似的児童ポルノが児童性愛者の欲求を刺激し、違法な行為を助長するという主張も説得的ではない。なぜなら、この主張は、言論とそれに続く違法行為との間に直接的な結びつきがないため、その言論を禁止する十分な根拠とならないからである。」*2
Protect Act of 2003があると主張する方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、規制対象*3を考えれば上記判旨は現在も成立すると見なすことができるでしょう。
Crimes related to child sexual abuse have reportedly been on the rise in Japan.
Police uncovered 1,644 cases last year, about 10 times higher than a decade ago.
1644件は児童ポルノの件数です。child sexual abuseよりはchild sexual abuse imagesとしたほうが意味が通ります。
ところでhumantrafficking.orgは創立から2008年まで米国務省がサポートした組織で、日本に関する記述の引用先がすべて米国務省か米国務省から資金提供を受けているPolaris Projectなんですね。分かりやすくて好きです、こういうの。
New York Times
The fascination with the sexuality of young girls even has its own name in Japanese, “rorikon” ― which stands for the “Lolita complex” ― and is on prominent display in Tokyo’s Akihabara shopping district, one of the city’s top tourist draws.
おっしゃる通りlolita complexの略から来ており、Googleのヒット数から言っても"lolicon"が多く使われています。わざわざヘボン式で表記した理由が不明です。
The new law on child pornography is partly the result of a push by the Japanese police, who said that the failure to outlaw possession in the 1999 law had created enough continuing demand that the number of criminal cases involving the production and circulation of child pornography skyrocketed.
The police efforts on legislation had been blocked, however, by the nation’s publishing houses, which feared that manga ― including illustrated depictions of naked or nearly naked prepubescent girls, sometimes engaged in explicit sexual acts ― would be included in the ban. The popularity of manga comics has mitigated the decline of a publishing industry hit hard by falling sales because of competition from the Internet.