



次に条約第20条第3項のsimulatedの解釈ですが、その前にまず"pornographic material"は何を指しているのかを考えます。説明文141によると"pornographic material"は児童ポルノの例外規定を指し、芸術、治療、研究などが挙げられています。第20条第3項の"pornographic material"も同様に児童ポルノの例外規定を指していると考えられます。




では漫画はどこに含まれるのか。それは条約第20条第一項の"without right"="pornographic material"です。よって、条約批准に際しては漫画が条約の対象外であることを主張するべきでしょう。


資料1 子どもの性的搾取および性的虐待からの保護に関する条約

Article 20 - Offences concerning child pornography

1 Each Party shall take the necessary legislative or other measures to ensure that the following intentional conduct, when committed without right, is criminalised:

a producing child pornography;
b offering or making available child pornography;
c distributing or transmitting child pornography;
d procuring child pornography for oneself or for another person;
e possessing child pornography;
f knowingly obtaining access, through information and communication technologies, to child pornography.

2 For the purpose of the present article, the term “child pornography” shall mean any material that visually depicts a child engaged in real or simulated sexually explicit conduct or any depiction of a child’s sexual organs for primarily sexual purposes.

3 Each Party may reserve the right not to apply, in whole or in part, paragraph 1.a and e to the production and possession of pornographic material:

  • consisting exclusively of simulated representations or realistic images of a non-existent child;
  • involving children who have reached the age set in application of Article 18, paragraph 2, where these images are produced and possessed by them with their consent and solely for their own private use.

4 Each Party may reserve the right not to apply, in whole or in part, paragraph 1.f.

資料2 同条約の説明文

141. The term ‘without right’ allows a Party to provide a defence in respect of conduct related to "pornographic material" having an artistic, medical, scientific or similar merit. It also allows activities carried out under domestic legal powers such as the legitimate possession of child pornography by the authorities in order to institute criminal proceedings. Furthermore, it does not exclude legal defences or similar relevant principles that relieve a person of responsibility under specific circumstances.

142. Paragraph 2 is based on the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It defines the term “child pornography” as any visual depiction of a child engaged in real or simulated sexually explicit conduct, or any representation of a child’s sexual organs “for primarily sexual purposes”. Such images are governed by national standards pertaining to bodily harm, or the classification of materials as obscene or inconsistent with public morals. Therefore, material having an artistic, medical, scientific or similar merit, i.e. where there is absence of sexual purposes, does not fall within the ambit of this provision. The visual depiction includes data stored on computer diskette or on other electronic means or other storage device which are capable of conversion into a visual image.

144. Paragraph 3 allows Parties to make reservations in respect of paragraph 1 a and e, i.e. the right not to criminalise the production or possession of images which either consist entirely of simulated representations or realistic images of a child who does not exist in reality, or which involve children who have reached the legal age for sexual activities as prescribed in internal law, where the images are produced and possessed by them with their consent and solely for their own private use. The two reservation possibilities in paragraph 3 exist only in relation to production and possession of such pornographic material. However, when making such a reservation, States Parties should be aware of the rapid developments in technology, which allow producing of extremely lifelike images of child pornography where in reality no child was involved and should avoid covering such productions by their reservation.

資料3 子どもの売買、子ども買春および子どもポルノグラフィーに関する子どもの権利条約の選択議定書



(a) 子どもの売買とは、子どもが、いずれかの者または集団により、報酬または他の何らかの見返りと引換えに他の者に譲渡されるあらゆる行為または取引を意味する。

(b) 子ども買春とは、報酬または他の何らかの形態の見返りと引換えに性的活動において子どもを使用することを意味する。

(c) 子どもポルノグラフィーとは、実際のまたはそのように装ったあからさまな性的活動に従事する子どもをいかなる手段によるかは問わず描いたあらゆる表現、または主として性的目的で子どもの性的部位を描いたあらゆる表現を意味する。